Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM)

GS Paper 2 – Issues relating to development and management of Social Sector/Services relating to Health, Education, Human Resources.
GS Paper 3 – Awareness in the fields of IT, Space, Computers, robotics, nano-technology, bio-technology and issues relating to intellectual property rights.

We need evidence-based traditional medicine | The Hindu Opinion

What is evidence-based medicine (EBM)?

  • EBM involves applying the best available research to clinical care, which requires integrating evidence with clinical expertise and patient values
  • The goal of EBM is to support the patient by contextualizing the evidence with their preferences, concerns, and expectations, resulting in a process of shared decision-making.

Contrast between Traditional Medicine and Evidence Based Medicine:

 Evidence Based MedicineTraditional Medicine
Rely more on pharmaceuticals and other conventional medical treatments.Uses natural remedies, such as herbs and other plant-based treatments. 
Subject to rigorous regulation by government agencies and professional organizations.May not be subject to the same level of regulation.
Based on scientific research that is conducted and evaluated according to standardized methods.Rooted in the cultural and historical context of a particular region or community.
Integrates individual clinical experience with the best available external clinical evidence from systematic research. Relies on practices and remedies that have been passed down through generations and may not have undergone rigorous scientific testing.

Advantages of EBM:

  • Increased safety: It can help to minimize the risk of harm to patients by ensuring that treatments are based on the most reliable evidence available, rather than on untested theories or opinions.
  • Informed decision making:  It can help patients and healthcare professionals make informed decisions about their care.
  • Improved quality of care: It enables hospitals and healthcare facilities to provide a higher standard of care.
  • Better cooperation and collaboration: It can facilitate improved cooperation and collaboration among healthcare providers by providing a shared framework for evaluating and discussing treatment options.

Disadvantages of EBM:

  • Cost of conducting research: Conducting high-quality clinical research can be expensive, as it requires significant resources, expertise, and infrastructure.
  • Bias in the evidence base:  Significant influence over the research agenda by pharmaceutical industry as they are responsible for funding.
  • Barriers to the implementation of EBM such as time constraints, lack of motivation, and limited resources.
  • Patient preferences: Patients may have different priorities or may not fully understand the risks and benefits of different treatment options.

Way Forward:

  • Promoting collaboration and communication between healthcare professionals, researchers, policy makers, and other stakeholders is essential for advancing the field of EBM through the establishment of networks, forums, and other platforms for sharing information and ideas.
  • Identifying and addressing barriers to implementation:  Policy makers need to work closely with healthcare professionals, researchers, and other stakeholders to identify and address barriers to the implementation of EBM like funding, infrastructure, and workforce development.
  • Providing training and support for healthcare professionals: Healthcare professionals need to be trained and supported in the use of knowledge synthesis and dissemination systems, as well as in the principles and practices of EBM.


EBM and traditional medicinal practices both have their strengths and limitations. EBM provides a scientific approach to medical decision-making while traditional medicine offers a wealth of knowledge and experience passed down through generations. Ultimately, the best approach may be to integrate the two, using the best available evidence from both traditional and modern sources to provide the best possible care for patients.

Source: The Hindu

Practice Question
What is evidence based medicine? How is it in contrast with traditional medicinal practices? Discuss. (Answer in 250 words)

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