CSAT Practice Questions – Number System 3

CSAT Quiz - Number System

1. In a three-digit number, the digit in the unit place is five times the digit in the hundred’s place. If the digit in the unit’s place and the ten’s place are interchanged, the new number so formed is 18 more than the original number. If the digit in the hundred’s place is one-third of the digit in the ten’s place,what is the 1/9th of the original number?


2. If (A+B)×C is an even number then which if the following is definitely correct?


3. How many zeroes are there at the end of the result of the expression,5^(10 )× 〖10〗^10 × 〖15〗^10 × 〖20〗^10 × 〖25〗^10


4. Integers are listed from 400 to 700. How many integers have 2 at unit place and 3 at tenth place?


5. How many zeroes are there at the end of the product of all prime numbers between 100 and 1000?


6. The recurring decimal 2.00343434….. is equivalent to


7. A three digit number ‘A’ has 0 as its unit digit. Let ‘B’ be the number obtained by interchanging the digit in tenth and hundredth place of A. If the difference between ‘A’ and ‘B’ is 270, and each digit of ‘A’ is distinct, the how many values of ‘A’ are possible?


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