UPSC Mains Previous Year Questions – Globalisation

Syllabus: GS 1 – Effects of globalization on Indian society.

Critically examine the effects of globalization on the aged population in India.2013
Discuss the positive and negative effects of globalization on women in India?2015
To what extent has globalisation influenced the core of cultural diversity in India? Explain.2016
Globalisation is generally said to promote cultural homogenisation but due to these cultural specificities appear to be strengthened in the Indian society.’ Elucidate.2018
Are we losing our local identity for the global identity? Discuss.2019
Is diversity and pluralism in India under threat due to globalisation? Justify your answer.2020
What is Cryptocurrency? How does it affect global society? Has it been affecting Indian society also?2021
Elucidate the relationship between globalization and new technology in a world of scarce resources, with special reference to India.2022
Child cuddling is now being replaced by mobile phones. Discuss its impact on the socialization of children.2023

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