UPSC Mains Previous Year Questions – Cyber Security

Syllabus: GS 3 – Challenges to internal security through communication networks, role of media and social networking sites in internal security challenges, basics of cyber security.

What is digital signature? What does its authentication mean? Giver various salient built in features of a digital signature.2013
What are social networking site and what security implications do these sites present?2013
Cyber warfare is considered by some defense analysts to be a larger threat than even Al Qaeda or terrorism. What do you understand by Cyber warfare? Outline the cyber threats which India is vulnerable to and bring out the state of the country’s preparedness to deal with the same.2013
Considering the threats cyberspace poses for the country, India needs a “Digital Armed Force” to prevent crimes. Critically evaluate the National Cyber Security Policy, 2013 outlining the challenges perceived in its effective implementation.2014
Use of Internet and social media by non-state actors for subversive activities is a major concern. How have these have misused in the recent past? Suggest effective guidelines to curb the above threat.2015
Discuss the advantage and security implications of cloud hosting of server vis-a- vis in-house machine-based hosting for government businesses.2015
Discuss the potential threats of Cyber attack and the security framework to prevent it.2016
Data security has assumed significant importance in the digitalized world due to rising cyber crimes. The justice B. N. Srikrishna Committee Report addresses issues related to data security. What, in your view, are the strengths and weakness of the report relating to protection of personal data in cyber space?2017
What is the Cyber Dome Project? Explain how it can be useful in controlling internet crimes in India.2018
Discuss different types of cybercrimes and measures required to be taken to fight the menace.2020
Keeping in view India’s internal security, analyse the impact of cross-border cyber attacks. Also, discuss defensive measures against these sophisticated attacks.2021
What are the different elements of cyber security? Keeping in view the challenges in cyber security, examine the extent to which India has successfully developed a comprehensive National Cyber Security Strategy.2022

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