Theories of social stratification – Structural func tionalist theory, Marxist theory, Weberian theory.

Syllabus: Optional Subject – Sociology – Papers I
Stratification and Mobility: (b) Theories of social stratification – Structural functionalist theory, Marxist theory, Weberian theory.

Compare and contrast the contributions of Marx and Weber on social stratification in capitalist society.(19/1/4b/20)
Davis and Moore made it clear that social stratification is a functional necessity and also an unconscious device. Discuss.(19/I /1b/10)
Evaluate if social stratification is functional for society.(18/1/2c/10)
What is Weberian critique of Marxist notion of social stratification?(17/1/4a/20)
Elucidate the basic premises of Davis’ structural-functional theory of social stratification. How far is it relevant in understanding contemporary Indian society?(16/1 / 2a / 20)
Differentiate between Marxian and Weberian theories of Social Stratification?(15/I/3b/20)
“According to Max Weber, ‘class’ and ‘status’ are two different dimensions of power.” Discuss.(14/1/3b/20)
For Marx, class divisions are outcomes of ‘exploitation’. Discuss.(14/1/5a/10)
Critically examine the functionalist tradition in Sociology.(13/I/2b/20)
Critically examine Max Weber’s theory of Social Stratification. 

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