China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)

China-Pakistan Economic Corridor


Pakistan and China signed six crucial documents to enhance and accelerate cooperation for the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) project.

About China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC):

  • Launched in2015.
  • Bilateral project between Pakistan and China.
  • 3000-km long route of infrastructure projects.
  • Connects –
    • Uygur Autonomous Region (Xinjiang, China) and
    • Gwadar Port (Balochistan, Pakistan)
  • Aim –To increase Beijing’s global influence through China-funded infrastructure projects.
  • Provides China with access to the Middle East and Africa, facilitating its entry into the Indian Ocean.
  • Part of the Belt and Road Initiative.

About Belt and Road Initiative:

  • Launched in 2013.
  • Known within China as the “One Belt One Road”
  • Aims – Infrastructure development and economic integration of countries along the route of the historic Silk Road.
  • Over 60 countries have joined the Initiative.
  • 6 economic corridors

Maritime Silk Road connects coastal China to the Mediterranean via Singapore-Malaysia, the Indian Ocean, the Arabian Sea, and the Strait of Hormuz.

Source: The Hindu

Previous year question

‘Belt and Road Initiative’ is sometimes mentioned in the news in the context of the affairs of

[UPSC Civil Services Exam – 2016 Prelims]

  • African Union
  • Brazil
  • European Union
  • China

Practice question

Consider the following statements regarding China-PakistanEconomic Corridor (CPEC):

  1. It connects China’s Uygur Autonomous region with Gwadar Port in Pakistan.
  2. It will enable China to access the Indian Ocean.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?


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