The U.S. envoy to Ukraine has urged India to leverage its influence with Russia to prevent any obstruction of grain exports from Ukraine.
About Black Sea Grain Initiative:
- Objective – To establish a secure maritime humanitarian corridor, for Ukrainian exports, with a focus on food grains and fertilizer including ammonia.
- 3 Ports involved – Chornomorsk, Odesa and Yuzhny/Pivdenny
- Brokered between Russia and Ukraine by the United Nations and Turkey.
- Significance –
- To ease global food insecurity as Ukraine is among the largest exporters of wheat, maize, rapeseed, sunflower seeds and sunflower oil.
- To ease Russia’s export of fertilisers essential for ensuring future high yields on crops and bring down food prices.

About Black Sea:
- Location – between Western Asia and Eastern Europe.
- Surrounded by the Pontic, Caucasus, and Crimean Mountains.
- Connected to the Sea of Azov by the Strait of Kerch.
- Black Sea water is anoxic.
- 6 bordering countries – Romania, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Russia, Georgia and Turkey
- Dardanelles Strait, Bosporus Strait and Marmara Sea – A transitional zone between Mediterranean and Black Sea.

About Anoxic Water:
- Zones in sea water, fresh water, or groundwater where there is an absence of dissolved oxygen.
- Cause – Eutrophication
- Commonly observed – Areas with limited water exchange.
- It prevents the deterioration of organic materials.
Turkey is located between:
[UPSC Civil Services Exam – Prelims 2014]
a). Black Sea and Caspian Sea
b). Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea
c). Gulf of Suez and Mediterranean Sea
d). Gulf of Aqaba and Dead Sea
Source: The Hindu