WHO investigating suspected new polio strain in Meghalaya.
World Health Organisation:
- Founded – April 7, 1948 (celebrated as World Health Day)
- Headquarters – Geneva, Switzerland
- Members – 194 Member States, 150 country offices, 6 regional offices
- Objectives –
- Directing and coordinating international health work
- Collaboration with the UN, specialized agencies, governmental health administrations, professional groups, and other organizations
- Assistance to governments in strengthening health services upon request
- Promotion of cooperation among scientific and professional groups contributing to health advancement
- Governance –
- World Health Assembly (WHA) – WHO’s decision-making body, held yearly in Geneva
- Secretariat – Comprises the Director-General and necessary technical and administrative staff
- Director-General – Appointed by the Health Assembly on the Board’s nomination
- Membership –
- United Nations members can join WHO
- Associate Members – Territories not responsible for their international relations can be admitted by the Health Assembly
Source: The Hindu
Previous Year Question
‘Mission Indradhanush’ launched by the Government of India pertains to:
[UPSC Civil Service Exam – 2016 Prelims]
(a) Immunisation of children and pregnant women
(b) Construction of smart cities across the country
(c) India’s own search for the Earth-like planets in outer space
(d) New Educational Policy
Answer: (a)
World Health Organisation