Konda Reddi women set out on a quest for tender shoots of a species of bamboo that grows exclusively in Godavari Valley forests during the monsoon
Konda Reddi Tribe:
- A Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Group inhabiting the banks of the river Godavari in Andhra Pradesh.
- Language – Telugu
- Religion – Hinduism, characterized by local traditions and cults of local deities worshiped at the community level.
- Society –
- Family is patriarchal and patrilocal.
- Monogamy is a rule, but polygamous families are also found.
- Political Organization –
- Have their own institution of social control called ‘Kula Panchayat’.
- Each village has a traditional headman called ‘Pedda Kapu’.
- Livelihood – Primarily shifting cultivators; cultivate jowar, which is their staple food.
- Has adopted a unique circular-shaped architecture for housing that resemble the Bhunga architecture of Gujarat’s Kachchh region.
- An important perennial crop
- Area – Tropical, sub-tropical, and mild temperate regions.
- Distribution in India – Found naturally throughout the country except Kashmir region.
- North-Eastern states and West Bengal accounts for more than 50% of Bamboo resources.
- Uses – Construction material, Textile fibers, Musical instruments, Furniture etc.
- Environmental benefits – Rapid carbon sequestration, Soil erosion control and water purification
Source: TH
Previous Year Question
Consider the following statements about Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTGs) in India:
1. PVTGs reside in 18 States and one Union Territory.
2. A stagnant or declining population is one of the criteria for determining PVTG status.
3. There are 95 PVTGs officially notified in the country so far.
4. Irular and Konda Reddi tribes are included in the list of PVTGs.
Which of the statements given above are correct?
[UPSC Civil Services Exam – 2019 Prelims]
(a) 1, 2 and 3 only
(b) 2, 3 and 4 only
(c) 1, 2 and 4 only
(d) 1, 3 and 4 only
Answer: (c)
There are only 75 PVTGs officially notified in the country.