PM-POSHAN (Midday Meal Scheme)


Under the National Digital Education Architecture (NDEAR), the Education Ministry is pushing States to open Vidya Samiksha Kendras (VSKs) which are data repositories PM-POSHAN, UDISE+ etc.

About PM POSHAN Scheme:

  • World’s largest school meal programme
  • Aim – To attain the goal of universalization of primary education.
  • Primary objective – To provide cooked meals to every child within the age group of 6 to 14 years studying in classes I to VIII who enrolls and attends the school.
  • Renamed as ‘Pradhan Mantri Poshan Shakti Nirman’ scheme (PM Poshan Scheme) in 2021.
  • Also covers students of balvatikas (children in the 3–5-year age group) from pre-primary classes.
  • Ministry – Ministry of Education
  • Centrally sponsored scheme.
  • Objective –
    • Address hunger and malnutrition
    • Increase enrolment and attendance in school
    • Improve socialisation among castes
    • Provide employment at grassroot level especially to women.
  • Coverage –
    • All government and government aided schools, Madarsa and Maqtabs supported under the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA).
    • Around 11.80 crore children under the provisions of the National Food Security Act, 2013 (NFSA).

About UDISE+:

  • An application to collect the school details about factors related to a school and its resources.
  • An updated and improved version of UDISE (Ministry of Education).
  • Developed by – Department of School Education & Literacy
  • Aim – To overcome the issues related to erstwhile practice of manual data filling in paper format.
  • Importance –
    • It captures additional data indicators like digital library, number of books available in school library, etc.
    • It measures the education parameters from classes 1 to 12 in government and private schools across India.

Source: The Hindu

Previous Year Question

With reference to the provisions made under the National Food Security Act, 2013, consider the following statements:
1. The families coming under the category of ‘below poverty line (BPL)’ only are eligible to receive subsidised food grains.
2. The eldest woman in a household, of age 18 years or above, shall be the head of the household for the purpose of issuance of a ration card.
3. Pregnant women and lactating mothers are entitled to a ‘take-home ration’ of 1600 calories per day during pregnancy and for six months thereafter.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
[UPSC Civil Services Exam – 2018 Prelims]
(a) 1 and 2 only
(b) 2 only
(c) 1 and 3 only
(d) 3 only

Answer: (b)

Practice Question

Consider the following statements regarding PM POSHAN:
1. It is a central sector scheme that aims to provide one hot-cooked meal.
2. It covers children aged 6 to 14 years studying in classes I to VIII who enroll and attend the school.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?


Question 1 of 1

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