Invasive Alien Species | Gambusia

Invasive Alien Species

Two Mosquitofish Species invaded various ecosystems across India recently

  • 2 species of mosquitofish – Gambusia affinis and Gambusia holbrooki.
  • Both are detrimental Invasive Alien Species.
  • Introduced into local water bodies to address mosquito menace by states like Andhra Pradesh, Odisha and Punjab.
  • Feeding habits and aggressive behavior in habitats – led to extinction of endemic species.
  • Animals, plants or other organisms that are introduced from outside their natural range, negatively impacting native biodiversity, ecosystem services or human well-being.
  • Example, Water hyacinth, Lantana, etc.
  • Impact of Invasive Alien Species –
    • Economic Impact: Global economic cost of Invasive Alien Species exceeded $423 billion annually in 2019.
    • Food Security: Invasive species are major cause of crop loss and degraded soil quality.
    • Ecological Impact: 1 in 10 species on IUCN Red List are threatened by Invasive Alien Species.
    • Heath Impact: Serve as vectors for infectious diseases. Example, Malaria, West Nile Fever etc.
  • Known as mosquito fish
  • Invasive species
  • Small freshwater fish, growing to only a few inches in length.
  • Native to America
  • Used to control mosquitoes, as they eat large mosquito larvae
  • Livebearers – give birth to live young rather than laying eggs
  • Omnivorous – eating a variety of insects, worms, and algae
  • Introduced as a form of biological control for mosquitoes
  • Adaptability and high tolerance for changing environment

Source: The Hindu

Previous Year Question

Why is a plant called Prosopis juliflora often mentioned in the news?

[UPSC Civil Services Exam – 2018 Prelims]

(a) Its extract is widely used in cosmetics.
(b) It tends to reduce the biodiversity in the area in which it grows.
(c) Its extract is used in the synthesis of pesticides.
(d) None of the above

Answer: (b)

Practice Question

Recently, ‘Gambusia’ was in the news, which refers to


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