Dyson Sphere

Dyson Sphere

Scientists find potential evidence for ‘Dyson Sphere’

  • A hypothetical megastructure designed to encompass a star and capture a significant portion of its solar power output.
  • It shows how a spacefaring civilization might meet its energy needs once they exceed what can be generated from the resources of their home planet.
  • Physicist Freeman Dyson formalized the concept
  • Constructing a Dyson sphere is far beyond current human engineering capabilities.
  • Types of Dyson Spheres:
    • Dyson Swarm: Rather than a solid shell, a Dyson Swarm consists of a vast number of independently orbiting structures (often satellites or solar collectors) around the star.
      • These structures collectively harness the star’s energy.
    • Dyson Shell: This is the classic concept of a solid shell completely enclosing the star.
    • Dyson Bubble: A speculative variant where a partially constructed sphere is built around the star, capturing only a portion of its energy output.
  • Applications:
    • To capture and utilize the energy emitted by a star.
    • This energy can be used for powering advanced civilizations, interstellar travel, etc.

Source: CNN

Previous Year Question

Which one of the following is a reason why astronomical distances are measured in light-years?

[UPSC Civil Services Exam – 2021 Prelims]

(a) Distances among stellar bodies do not change.
(b) Gravity of stellar bodies does not change.
(c) Light always travels in straight line.
(d) Speed of light is always same.

Answer: (d)

Practice Question

What is the primary purpose of a Dyson Sphere?


Question 1 of 1

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