

Safe microbial substitute can replace synthetic surfactants in the food industry

  • Surface-active molecules produced by microorganisms.
  • Formed on the cell surface or secreted extracellularly.
  • Aid in detachment/attachment to surfaces, regulate motility, and assist in quorum sensing.
  • Features
    • Physical Characteristics: High emulsification, solubilization, foaming, and adsorption.
    • Stability: Stable across various pH, temperature, and salinity ranges.
    • Eco-Friendly: Non-toxic, safe for human consumption.
  • Applications
    • Food Industry: Used in bakeries, salad dressings, and as natural antioxidants.
    • Heavy Metal Removal: Clean vegetables, boosting fish immunity.
    • Pathogen Protection: Provide protective effects against pathogens.
  • Molecules that move across the surfaces of oil, water, or air to mix them into an emulsion.
  • Types: Can be synthetic or natural (e.g., biosurfactants).
  • Applications:
    • Emulsifiers: Help mix oil and water.
    • Lubricants: Provide smoothness in food textures.
    • Foamers: Aid in forming and stabilizing foam.
    • Dispersing Agents: Evenly distribute ingredients.
    • Moisture Retention: Maintain moisture in food products.
    • Shelf Life: Improve the longevity of food products.


Previous Year Question

Consider the following:

1. Aerosols
2.Foam agents
3.Fire retardants

[UPSC Civil Services Exam – 2023 Prelims]

In the making of how many of the above are hydrofluorocarbons used?

(a) Only one
(b) Only two
(c) Only three
(d) All four

Answer: (c)

HFCs are not used for making lubricants.

Practice Question

Consider the following statements:

  1. Biosurfactants are surface-active molecules produced by microorganisms, either on the cell surface or secreted extracellularly.
  2. They are unstable in extreme pH, temperature, and salinity conditions, making them unsuitable for food applications.

Which of the above statements regarding biosurfactants is/are correct?


Question 1 of 1

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