UPSC Prelims Facts – 28 March 2024

Operation Sankalp completed 100 days.

  • Launched by – Indian navy
  • Key areas – Gulf of Aden, Arabian Sea, and East Coast of Somalia.
  • Objective – Countering threats like piracy and narcotics trade in Indian Ocean Region.

POEM-3 successfully concluded its mission by re-entering Earth’s atmosphere and disintegrating.

  • POEM-3 – It used spent PS4 stage of the PSLV-C58 rocket that launched XPoSat.
  • Significance –
    • It utilized 4th stage of PSLV as platform to conduct scientific experiments in orbit converting it into a functioning laboratory for space-based research.
    • It virtually left no debris in orbit, demonstrating a commitment to minimizing space clutter.

Latest edition of Global Trade Update Report released.

  • Released by – United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).
  • Key Findings –
    • Services exports from India rose by 14% in 2023, while goods export declined by 6%.
    • International trade is expected to rebound in 2024.
    • Logistical challenges such as shipping disruptions in Red Sea, Black Sea etc. can raise costs and disrupt supply chains.

Vietnam faces crop losses as saltwater seeps into the Mekong Delta region

  • Mekong River – Longest river in Southeast Asia.
  • Origin – Tibetan Plateau.
  • Passes through – China, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam.
  • Drains into – South China Sea.
  • Significance –
    • It forms part of international border between Myanmar and Laos, and Laos and Thailand.
    • Famous cities like Phnom Penh, Ho Chi Minh City and Vientiane are located on its banks.

Scientists have discovered a 50,000-year-old magnetofossil sediment in the Bay of Bengal.

  • Magnetofossils – Fossilised remains of magnetic particles created by magnetobacteria.
  • Magnetobacteria – Mostly prokaryotic organisms that arrange themselves along the earth’s magnetic field to reach places that had optimal oxygen concentration.

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