UPSC Prelims Facts – 28 June 2024

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Climate impact is impacting Lake Natron.

  • Location – Tanzania
  • A unique composition of warm waters and salt, caustic soda, and magnesite deposits resulting in pH as high as 10.5.
  • Significance – Regular breeding site for Lesser Flamingo.
  • Added to the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands List in 2001.

NSIL (India) and Space Machines (Australia) signed an agreement to launch Space Machines Company’s second Optimus spacecraft.

  • Aim – To foster closer ties among commercial, institutional, and governmental space organizations from both countries in the space domain
  • New Space India Limited (NSIL) – Under the Department of Space and the commercial arm of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO).

Migration and Development Brief 2024 released

  • Released by – World Bank
  • Top 5 remittance recipient countries India ($120 billion), followed by Mexico, China, Philippines, and Pakistan. 
  • Top destinations Countries – US, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Russia, and UK
  • Largest origin countries – Ukraine, China, Mexico and  Venezuela. 
  • Largest migration corridor – Mexico to US

ANRF supported research on to production of hydrogen gas from a mixture of methanol and paraformaldehyde.

  • Genesis – Established as a statutory body by the ANRF Act 2023.
  • Apex Ministry – Ministry of Science and Technology
  • Responsibilities – An apex body to provide high-level strategic direction of scientific research in the country as per recommendations of the National Education Policy.

CEL is granted “Mini RATNA” status (Category-1).

  • Functions under – Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR), Ministry of Science & Technology.
  • Established in – 1974. With an objective to commercially exploit indigenous technologies.
  • A pioneer in the country in the field of Solar Photovoltaic (SPV)

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