UPSC Prelims Facts – 27 July 2024

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Exercise Khaan Quest to be conducted recently.

  • Multinational military exercise, which will be conducted at Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
  • Indian army will participate in this edition.

Triput, the first of two Advanced Frigates under construction by Goa Shipyard Limited (GSL) for the Indian Navy was launched.

  • Follow on ships of the Teg and Talwar class ships acquired from Russia.
  • Designed for combat operations against enemy surface ships, submarines and aircrafts.
  • Equipped with stealth features, advanced weapon & sensors and platform management systems.

White category sectors will now not require prior permission of the state pollution control boards to establish and operate under the Air Act, 1981 and Water Act, 1974.

  • Industries which are practically non-polluting are categorised under the ‘white category’
  • Dealt by – Central Pollution Control Board.
  • Includes Wind and solar power projects, assembly of air coolers, bicycle assembly etc.

Recently, Indian Cyber Crime Coordination Centre (I4C) has been converted into an attached office of the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA).

  • Objective – To act as a nodal point to curb Cybercrime, act as early warning system for cybercrime prevention and detection and facilitate easy complaint filing.
  • Verticals – National Cybercrime Reporting Portal, National Cybercrime Threat Analytics Unit, National Cybercrime Research & Innovation Centre etc.

Azerbaijan Launches Climate Finance Action Fund in Package of Initiatives for UN Climate Change Conference COP29.

  • Headquarters – Baku, Azerbaijan.
  • Aim – To support climate projects in developing countries, meeting next generation of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to keep 1.5 0 C within reach, and addressing the consequences of natural disasters.
  • Will be capitalised with contributions from fossil fuel producing countries and companies across oil, gas and coal.

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