UPSC Prelims Facts – 26-27 May 2024

UPSC Prelims Facts

Astronomers under the SPECULOOS project had detected a new earth-sized exoplanet and named it as SPECULOOS-3b.

  • An Earth-size planet orbiting an ultra-cool red dwarf star.
    • Red dwarfs are the smallest main sequence stars, just a fraction of the Sun’s size and mass.
    • Located around 55 light-years from Earth and is tidally locked with its star and hence a particular side always faces the star
  • Exoplanet – Any planet beyond our solar system.
    • They can either orbit other stars or can also be free-floating (rogue planets).

Drugs Controller General of India (DCGI) has asked for timely reporting of adverse events related to medical devices on the MvPI platform.

  • Launched in – 2015.
  • Since 2018, Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission functions as National Coordination Centre.
  • Function – Monitors Medical Device-associated Adverse Events (MDAE) and creates awareness among healthcare professionals about the importance of MDAE.
  • MDAE can be reported by Clinical specialists, Biomedical Engineers, Nurses, Pharmacists, Patients etc.

Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (CCPCJ) calls for steps against Transnational Organised Crimes

  • Established by – UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) resolution in 1992
  • Functions – Principal policy making body of the UN in the field of crime prevention and criminal justice.
  • Membership – 40 member states elected by ECOSOC

‘AI agents’ like GPT-4o by OpenAI and Project Astra by Google are believed to be far superior to conventional voice assistants such as Alexa, Siri, and Google Assistant.

  • Unlike conventional language models, which solely work on text-based inputs and outputs, AI agents can engage in real-time, multi-modal (text, image, or voice) interactions with humans.
  • Functioning – Perceive their environment via sensors, then process the information using algorithms or AI models, and subsequently, take actions.
  • Can understand and learn from the context of interactions, allowing them to provide more relevant and personalised responses

IN-SPACe has been honoured with the Leadership Award for “Public Policy: Enabling Industry Development” by the Geospatial World Forum (GWF). 

  • Headquarters – Ahmedabad(Gujarat)
  • Established in – 2020 as a part of space sector reform. 
  • Nodal department – An autonomous agency in the Department of Space (DOS).
  • Aim – To facilitate the participation of private players in India’s space sector. 

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