Extinction Filtering
A study finds that human activities outside protected areas drive biodiversity loss, with “extinction filtering”
- Process where species sensitive to human disturbance disappear, leaving only those capable of surviving in degraded landscapes.
- Results in a less diverse and more uniform mix of species in tropical forests.
Digital Brand Identity Manual
Digital Brand Identity Manual (DBIM) introduced recently.
- Introduced by – Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY)
- Aim – To harmonize the government’s digital presence by simplifying and standardizing government websites.
- It enhances service delivery, and ensure consistent messaging across ministries, making government priorities more transparent.
Gulf of Tonkin
Vietnamese government published map of its Gulf of Tonkin baseline.
- Location – South China Sea
- Bordered by – China, Hainan Island, and northern Vietnam.
- Receives the Red River
Bay of Bengal Inter-Governmental Organisation
India assumes Chairmanship of BOBP-IGO.
- Established in 2003 as an inter-governmental organisation promoting cooperation and providing technical advisory for sustainable coastal fisheries in the region.
- Members – Bangladesh, India, Maldives and Sri Lanka.
National Commission for Indian System of Medicine
NCISM concluded the first phase of the ‘desh Ka Prakriti Parikshan Abhiyaan’
- A statutory body constituted under the National Commission for Indian System of Medicine Act, 2020.
- Consists of 29 members, appointed by the central government.
- Ministry – Ministry of Ayush
- Objective – To improve Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha, and Sowa-Rigpa (AUS&SR) medical education and ensure a sufficient, qualified workforce accessible to all.