UPSC Prelims Facts – 22-23 September 2024

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Israel’s Pagers Attacks against Hezbollah

  • Shiite Muslim political party and militant group.
  • Base – Lebanon.
  • Strongly opposes Israel and Western influence in West Asia.
  • Functions as a proxy for Iran in the region, involved in the Iran-Israel proxy conflict.
  • Major Conflicts – 2006 Lebanon War, Syrian Civil War (actively involved in the Civil War, supporting the Assad regime)
  • Designated as a terrorist organization by the United States, Israel, and several other countries.

After Modi’s visit, U.S. to return 297 antiquities

  • Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property
  • Adoption on – 14 November 1970
  • Objective – Combat the illicit trade in cultural property and provide a framework for the return and restitution of stolen cultural items.
  • Key Provisions –
    • Non-Retrospective Application – The convention does not apply retrospectively, excluding the peak phase of colonialism.
    • Restitution – The convention outline the provisions for the return of stolen cultural property. The requesting State must provide evidence to support its claim.
  • Membership – 142 States Parties as of the latest update.

Supreme Court raised concerns over the implementation of the WPS, 2018.

  • Endorsed by the SC in 2018, enforceable in all States/ UTs.
  • Objective – Protection of witnesses based on the threat assessment
  • Protection measures include protection/change of identity of witnesses, their relocation, etc.
  • Provides for a State Witness Protection Fund operated by the Department/Ministry of Home under State/UT Government

SEBI allowed mutual funds to buy and sell Credit Default Swaps (CDS) to improve liquidity in corporate bond market.

  • A financial derivative that allows an investor to swap or offset their credit risk with that of another investor.
  • CDS are like insurance contracts that protect the investor in case the bond borrower defaults on their payment of dues.
  • Maintained through premium payments similar to insurance contracts for the bond market.

India and Brazil decided to collaborate on production and use of Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF).

  • Viable pathway to decarbonise aviation sector.
  • A liquid fuel currently used in commercial aviation which reduces CO2 emissions by up to 80%.
  • Contains fewer impurities (such as sulphur), which enables an even greater reduction in sulphur dioxide and particulate matter emissions.
  • Sources – Feedstock, including waste oil and fats, green and municipal waste and non-food crops.
    • Can also be produced synthetically via a process that captures carbon directly from the air.

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