Accretion Disk
NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope observed a constant flickering of light from the Accretion Disk.
- A swirling disk of gas around a black hole, acting as its primary light source.
- Form when gas, dust, or other matter is drawn in by the gravitational pull of a central body.
- Play a crucial role in the formation of stars and planetary systems.
Lake Kivu
Lake Kivu displayed devastation after an armed group captured the lakeside city Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
- On the border between Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
- Volcanic in origin
- Empties into Ruzizi River, which flows into Lake Tanganyika.
Technology Adaptation Fund
Indian National Space Promotion and Authorization Centre (INSPACe) launched the TAF.
- Funding scheme to drive the commercialization of cutting-edge technologies in the space sector.
- Eligibility – Non-Government Entity (NGE) in India.
- Provides financial support of up to 60% of the project cost for startups and MSMEs, and 40% for larger industries, with a maximum funding cap of Rs 25 crore per project.
South American tapir has been spotted in the Cunhambebe State Park (Brazil’s Costa Verde region) for the first time in 100 years.
- Largest land mammal in South America
- Herbivores.
- Known as a “forest gardener,” as they aids seed dispersal, and creates natural trails that allow sunlight to reach the forest floor
- IUCN Status – Endangered.
A massive pliosaur skull (lived 145 million years ago) has been discovered embedded in the Jurassic Coast cliffs in Dorset, England.
- Top predators of the Jurassic oceans
- Among the deadliest marine reptiles in history.
- Jurassic oceans – Vast marine environments that existed during the Jurassic period