UPSC Prelims Facts – 19 September 2024

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Union Minister of Petroleum & Natural Gas highlighted the energy trilemma faced by India

  • Consists of 3 often conflicting challenges related to energy
  • Trilemma comprises –
    • Energy Security – Capacity to meet present and future energy demand reliably through robust supply chains.
    • Affordability – Equitable access to energy.
    • Sustainability – Transitioning towards mitigating environmental impact of energy use and climate change impacts.

Seiyhama village in Nagaland celebrated the Naga king chili festival

  • One of the world’s hottest chillies, certified by Guinness World Records in 2006 for its intense heat
  • Also referred as – Raja Mircha, Bhoot Jolokia and Ghost pepper.
  • Received the Geographical Indication (GI) tag in 2008.
  • Cultivated in the states of Nagaland, Assam, Manipur

Some recent reports have highlighted that Kleptoparasitism among birds are helping spread the avian influenza.

  • Also known as – Cleptoparasitism
  • A form of feeding where one animal takes prey from another that has caught, killed, or otherwise prepared, including stored food.
  • E.g., Sperm Whales, Western Gulls, Hyenas etc.

A recent study of fossils from Australia revealed the role of tectonic activity as the reason for evolution of Coelacanths.

  • Deep-sea fish that live off the coasts of southern Africa and Indonesia.
  • Evolutionary unique lobe finned fish (having robust bones in their fins similar to bones in our arms).
  • More closely related to tetrapods (animals with backbones and 4 limbs like frogs) than to most other fishes.

Karma festival is celebrated in Jharkhand and other states of India.

  • A harvest festival popular among Munda, Ho, Oraon, Baiga, Kharia, and Santhal people.
  • Celebrated on 11th day of lunar fortnight in month of Bhado/ Bhadra (August-September in Gregorian calendar).
  • Karam tree, symbolising fertility and prosperity, is worshipped during festival.

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