UPSC Prelims Facts – 19-20 May 2024

UPSC Prelims Facts

At the port of Cartagena, Spain denies port call to vessel carrying shipment of arms to Israel from India.

  • A type of port classified on the basis of specialized functions.
  • Locate on main sea routes where ships anchor for refueling, watering and taking food items.
  • They can also be developed into commercial ports, for example- Aden, Honolulu and Singapore, etc

NESD 2024 has been observed.

  • Observed on – 3rd Friday in the month of May.
  • Established by – David Robinson and the Endangered Species Coalition in 2006.
  • Significance – To increase awareness about the number of species facing extinction and calls for action to reduce the harmful human activities that threaten species.

Researchers have discovered an extinct branch of Nile River – the Ahramat Branch – that once flowed alongside pyramids in Egypt.

  • Longest river in the world
  • Origin – Rises from rivers that feed Lake Victoria
  • Drain into – Mediterranean Sea.
  • Basin – Runs through or along the border of 11 African countries – Egypt, Burundi, Tanzania, Rwanda, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Uganda, Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea and South Sudan.
  • Tributaries – White Nile, Blue Nile, Atbara.

Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) or[1]ganized the ‘ONDC Startup Mahotsav’.

  • A Section 8 company (non-profit organization), under the initiative of DPIIT.
  • Aim – To democratize digital commerce.
  • It serves as the intermediary layer between the interfaces hosting the buyers and the sellers.
  • Founding members – Quality Council of India and Protean eGov Technologies.
  • Benefits – Lower entry-barriers to digital commerce, provides level playing field for all e- Commerce models, etc.

India’s strides in Arctic, Antarctica, Himalayas to soon be taught in schools

  • Atreaty which recognizes the sovereignty of Norway over the archipelago of Svalbard (Arctic region)
  • Grants equal rights to all parties to engage in economic activities, such as mining and fishing in the region and its territorial waters.
  • India is a signatory to this

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