UPSC Prelims Facts – 18 July 2024

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Ministry of Education launched Asmita Project along with two other initiatives to promote multilingualism in education.

  • Augmenting Study Materials in Indian languages through Translation and Academic writing Project
  • Aim – To ensure that students have access to high-quality study materials in their native languages.
  • Under it, 22,000 books will be produced in 22 scheduled languages in 5 years.
  • Implementing Agencies – University Grants Commission (UGC) and Bharatiya Bhasha Samiti (BBS)

Asia’s first health research-related Pre-clinical Network Facility has been inaugurated in Faridabad (Haryana) under the Coalition of Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI).

  • Genesis – Launched in 2017
  • Launched by – Norway and India, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, World Economic Forum (WEF), etc.
  • Aim – To accelerate the development of vaccines against emerging infectious diseases and enable equitable access to these vaccines.
  • Headquarters – Oslo, Norway

A recent research published in a journal indicates that melting of polar ice caps is slowing the rotation of Earth, thereby lengthening our days at an unprecedented rate.

  • Impact of Climate Change on Length of Earth Day – Accelerated melting of glaciers and polar ice sheets, led to a rise in sea level and pole-to-equator mass transport.
  • This mass transport has significantly increased the Earth’s oblateness and length of day since 1900.
  • These findings signify implications of climate change for precise timekeeping and space navigation, among others

Recently, 96th Foundation and Technology Day of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) was celebrated.

  • An autonomous organisation under Department of Agricultural Research and Education, Union Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare
  • Launched in – 1929, as a registered society under the Societies Registration Act, 1860.
  • Formed based on the report of – Royal Commission on Agriculture
  • Objective – Coordinate, guide, and manage research and education in agriculture including horticulture, fisheries, and animal sciences in the entire country.
  • Union Minister of Agriculture is the ex-officio President of the ICAR Society

SEBI proposed to introduce a new asset class for investors which can offer investment strategies including long-short equity funds and inverse ETFs.

  • An Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) constructed by using various derivatives to profit from a decline in the value of an underlying benchmark.
  • Also known as – ‘Short ETF’ or ‘Bear ETF’
  • It gains from a drop in the value of an underlying benchmark.
  • Only intended for short holding periods.

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