UPSC Prelims Facts – 16 October 2024

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Europa Clipper embarked on long voyage to Jupiter to investigate its moon Europa.

  • Launched by – NASA
  • Objective – Determine whether Europa (Jupiter’s moon) has conditions that could support life.
  • Largest spacecraft NASA has ever developed for a planetary mission.
  • 1st NASA mission dedicated to studying an ocean world beyond Earth.

Ministry of External Affairs and Ministry of Labor & Employment launched the e-Migrate portal and mobile app.

  • Online Platform to facilitate and manage the migration of Indian workers seeking employment abroad.
  • Aim – To provide various services to migrant workers including information access, documentation, helpline support etc.
  • Features –
    • 24/7 multilingual helpline
    • Will be integrated with Digilocker for secure document storage and obtain paperless clearance at immigration.
    • Brings foreign employers, registered recruitment agents and insurance companies on one common platform

Drugs Controller General of India announced that 11 countries have recognized Indian Pharmacopoeia (IP) as their standard.

  • An autonomous institution under Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.
  • Created to set standards of drugs in country.
  • Mandate – Regularly revising and publishing IP and National Formulary of India.

World Mental Health Day (WMHD) 2024 was observed on 10th October

  • Theme of 2024 – Mental Health at Work.
  • Organized by – WHO
  • Aims to raise awareness, promote mental health education, and combat stigma, emphasizing the importance of mental well-being for individuals and communities
  • According to the National Mental Health Survey (NMHS) 2015-16, 10.6% of Indian adults experienced mental disorders, with a treatment gap of 70% to 92% across various conditions.
  • Government Initiatives – District Mental Health Programme (DMHP), National Tele Mental Health Programme (NTMHP)

A recent study indicates that the increase in medical colleges has led to a higher demand for cadavers

  • Refers to donating the entire body to science after death, primarily to help train doctors in understanding human anatomy and practising surgery.
  • Eligibility – Anyone above 18 years can legally consent to donate their body.
    • In case of no prior consent, next of kin can donate.
  • Exclusions – Bodies of organ donors or those with infectious diseases like tuberculosis, HIV, or sepsis, and bodies involved in medico-legal cases may be rejected.
  • Unlike organ donations, there is no national organisation to monitor whole-body donations.
    • National Organ & Tissue Transplant Organization, under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, manages organ transplantation from deceased donors.

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