UPSC Prelims Facts – 16-17 August 2024

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Scientists have found that Prokaryotes are remarkably resilient to climate change and may dominate marine environment

  • Microscopic single-celled organisms including bacteria, blue green algae, etc.
  • Absence of a defined nuclear region, and membrane-bound cell organelles.
  • Have a single chromosome.
  • Eukaryotes – Includes plants, animals and fungi.
    • Have a well-defined nucleus as well as membrane- enclosed organelles.
    • May be either unicellular or multicellular.
    • All eukaryotic cells are not identical.

New study highlighted that microwave ovens host thriving microbial communities and extremophiles. About

  • Organisms with the ability to thrive in extreme environments under high pressure, temperature, radiation, salinity etc.
  • Unique enzymes used by these organisms (extremozymes) enable these organisms to function in such forbidding environments.
  • Plays crucial role in maintaining plant growth and crop productivity in regions with adverse conditions.

Indigenous tetravalent dengue vaccine, DengiAll has proceeded toward its phase-3 clinical trials.

  • Viral infection that transmits with bite of an infected female Aedes mosquitoes
  • Found in tropical and sub-tropical climates worldwide, mostly in urban and semi-urban areas.
  • Can escalate to severe conditions like dengue hemorrhagic fever and dengue shock syndrome in adults.
  • Currently, there is no antiviral treatment or licensed vaccine against dengue in India.

A package suspected to contain Californium was seized in Patna.

  • Silvery white synthetic radioactive element
  • Named after University of California
  • Synthetic element – An element of the Periodic Table that has been created in a lab.
  • Applications – Portable metal detectors, gold and silver ore identification, help start up nuclear reactors etc.
  • Threats – Can damage genetic makeup, Hazardous to health(due to radioactivity) etc.

Uttarakhand has become the first Indian state to launch a Gross environment product Index (GEPI).

  • Amethod to evaluate ecological development caused by human interventions.
  • 4 pillars of GEPI – Air, soil, tree and water.
  • Formula = Air- GEP index + Water- GEP index + Soil-GEP index + Forest-GEP index
  • Significance – Help assess the impact of anthropological pressure on our ecosystem and natural resources.
    • Also calculates what we put back into the environment.

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