UPSC Prelims Facts – 09-10 June 2024

UPSC Prelims Facts

An MoU was signed between CSC Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) and Ministry of Agriculture & Farmer’s Welfare to convert 10,000 Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) into CSCs.

  • Aim – To provide citizezen access to Government-to-Citizen e-services by creating physical service delivery ICT (Information and Communication Technology) infrastructure.
  • Implemented under – Digital India Mission.
  • Nodal Ministry – Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology.

Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has issued advisory on unauthorized use of liquid nitrogen in food by food serving establishments.

  • Colourless, odourless gas or liquid (cooled to liquid at very low temperature).
  • Applications – As freezing agent, propellant, packaging gas & foaming agent
  • Food Safety and Standards (Food Products Standards and Food Additives) Regulations – Nitrogen is considered a Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) additive.
    • Allowed in dairy-based ice cream desserts at GMP levels solely for contact-freezing and cooling purposes.
  • Health Effects – Frostbite, burns, asphyxiation and damage to internal organs

Researchers have found two antlion species for first time in India, Thailand and Vietnam.

  • Belong to – Family of insects.
  • Behaviour – Known by their pit-building habit as part of their predation strategy.
  • Ecological Significance – Being carnivorous, they serve as biological agents to destroy the harmful pests.

New research has revealed that Orchid plants nurture their seedlings via an underground fungal network.

  • Can be terrestrial, epiphytes (grow on trees), lithophytes (grow on rocks), saprophytes (grow on decaying matter) or semi-aquatic.
  • Grown by – Seeds, tissue culture and vegetative propagation.
  • Production in India – Home to about 1256 orchid species, of which only 11 are protected under Wildlife Protection Act 1972. 
  • Arunachal Pradesh – “Orchid Paradise of India” as it harbors 40% of country’s orchid species. 

Israel is accused of using white phosphorus munitions in southern Lebanon.

  • Toxic substance produced from phosphate-containing rocks.
  • Reacts and burns in air at temperatures above 30 °C until deprived of oxygen
  • Not considered a chemical weapon under the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC)

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