UPSC Prelims Facts – 08 June 2024

UPSC Prelims Facts

CCI plans to open depots in Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu).

  • Genesis – Established as a PSU under the Companies Act, 1956 in 1970.
  • Ministry – Ministry of Textiles.
  • Headquarters – Navi Mumbai.
  • Functions –
    • Undertakes price support operations, whenever market prices of kapas (seed cotton) fall below minimum support prices, without any quantitative limit. 
    • Undertakes commercial purchase operations to fulfill raw material requirement of domestic textile industry.

Biopharmaceutical Alliance launched in response to the drug supply shortages experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Launched by – India, South Korea, the US, Japan, and European Union
  • Significance –
    • Build a reliable, sustainable, and resilient supply chain in pharmaceuticals as production of essential raw materials and ingredients is concentrated in a few countries.
    • Coordinate bio policies, regulations, and R&D support measures with the member countries

Now, the Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC) will electronically disburse duty drawback amounts directly to exporters’ bank accounts using the Public Finance Management System.

  • Defined under – Section 75 of the Customs Act, 1962
  • It rebates customs duty chargeable on any imported materials or excisable materials used in the manufacture of export goods.
  • Significance – Helps exporters offset some of the costs accrued during the export process, particularly in the supply or value chain.

Researchers and artists have joined the ‘Paint with Light’ initiative as a part of the AoA project.

  • Aim – To document air pollution levels around the world through photography.
  • ‘Paint with light’ – Involved combining digital light painting and low-cost air pollution sensors, to produce photographic evidence of air pollution in cities of India, Ethiopia and the UK.
  • Also been used to raise air pollution awareness by UN.

Two bird sanctuaries of Bihar added to Ramsar list

  • 2 new additions – Nagi and Nakti bird sanctuaries
  • Both located in – Bihar
  • Both sanctuaries are man-made reservoirs (Nagi dam and Nakti dam)
  • Feature dry deciduous forests surrounded by hills.
  • Also recognised as an Important Bird and Biodiversity Area (IBA) by BirdLife International.

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