UPSC Prelims Facts – 04 September 2024

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Japanese filmmaker Hayao Miyazaki has won the 2024 Ramon Magsaysay Award.

  • Asia’s premier prize and highest honor that recognizes greatness of spirit shown in selfless service
  • Awarded to outstanding individuals and organizations whose selfless service has offered solutions to some of the most intractable problems of human development.
  • Also known as – “Nobel Prize of Asia.”
  • Ramon Magsaysay – Former Philippine President whose ideals inspired the Award’s creation.

IEPFA has launched a new toll-free number to better serve claimant queries.

  • Ministry – Ministry of Corporate Affairs.
  • Established under – Companies Act, 2013.
  • Mandate – Responsible for managing the Investor Education and Protection Fund (IEPF).
  • Focuses on safeguarding investor interests by facilitating the refund of shares, unclaimed dividends, and matured deposits/debentures.

The term Wood Wide Web is recently in news

  • Network used by trees and other plants to communicate among them
  • These are underground fungal threads known as mycelium which connect the roots of plants, allowing them to share nutrients and communicate through chemical signals

E shram has achieved over 30 crore registrations in the span of just 3 years.

  • “One-Stop-Solution” for Country’s unorganised workers
  • Seeks to create a National Database of Unorganized Workers (NDUW), including migrant workers, construction workers, gig and platform workers, etc.
  • Launched by – Ministry of Labour & Employment
  • Aim – To facilitate access of various social security schemes being implemented by different Ministries/ Departments to unorganised workers

PM of India embarked on a first ever bilateral visit by an Indian PM to Brunei Darussalam.

  • Location – Country in Southeast Asia consisting of 2 unconnected parts, situated on northern coast of island of Borneo.
  • Border – Apart from northern coastline on South China Sea, it is completely surrounded by Malaysian state of Sarawak.
  • A member of Commonwealth and ASEAN.
  • Climate – Equatorial climate influenced by monsoon systems

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