UPSC Prelims Facts – 04 June 2024

UPSC Prelims Facts

A recent study has proposed a sustainable approach of microbial methane oxidation system (called as biocover) to control fugitive methane emissions from old dumpsites.

  • Porous material layer laid directly on top of a landfill which is then covered by an oxidizing layer of mature compost.
  • Provides optimal conditions for methanotrophic (methane utilizing) bacteria to thrive and act as biofilters, hence control methane emissions by converting methane to CO2.
  • Potential applications – Road construction, land reclamation, etc.
  • Concerns – As they are found in old and deep dumpsites, they may be contaminated with heavy metals and microplastics.

FSSAI and APEDA (Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority) have jointly developed Unified India Organic logo to replace the India Organic and Jaivik Bharat logos.

  • Aim – To bring uniformity and convergence in implementation of Indian regulations on organic products.
  • It will distinguish organic products from non-organic communicating adherence to the National Standards for Organic Production.

Some experts have highlighted that agricultural biodiversity plays a crucial role in conservation of Sarus Crane.

  • Tallest flying bird in world.
  • Distribution – Northern India, Southeast Asia, and northern Australia.
  • Habitat – Small seasonal marshes, floodplains, high altitude wetlands, human-altered ponds, fallow and cultivated lands and paddy fields.
  • Behavior – Social creature (found in pairs or small groups), mate for life with single partner.
  • Conservation Status – 
    • IUCN – Vulnerable
    • CITES – Appendix II

Chang’e-6 landing marks China’s second descent on the far side of the moon. 

  • So far no other country has landed on that half of the moon. 
  • India’s Chandrayaan-3 mission landed on the South Pole of the Near Side of the Moon
  • Far side of the Moon – Hemisphere of the Moon that always faces away from Earth (hence also referred to as the dark side of the Moon).  
  • This happens because the Moon is tidally locked with Earth due to gravitational pull.

In FY24, RBI moved 100 metric tonnes of gold from the U.K. to domestic vaults (at Mumbai and Nagpur). 

  • India’s total gold holdings in FY24 reached 822 metric tonnes of which around 50% is stored locally. 
  • All banknotes issued by RBI are backed by assets such as gold, Government Securities and Foreign Currency Assets, as defined in Section 33 of the RBI Act, 1934
  • Storing gold abroad poses risks, especially during geopolitical tensions, as highlighted by the freezing of Russian assets by Western nations

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