UPSC Prelims Facts – 01 July 2024

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Recently, many companies are using Artificial Intelligence (AI) Washing.

  • A term derived from greenwashing, where companies exaggerate their environmental friendliness.
  • Tech companies and startups marketing themselves as using AI, but not doing so is known as ‘AI washing’.
  • Issue – Can misguide investments in superficial enhancements, slowing real progress in AI technologies.

The World Trade Organization (WTO) released a report titled Aid for Trade in Action: Supporting the transition to clean energy, which highlights the Aid-for-Trade Initiative

  • Led by – WTO
  • Genesis – Grew out of the 2005 WTO Hong Kong Ministerial Conference.
  • Aim – To help developing economies integrate into world trade by mobilizing additional development support to address trade‑related infrastructure constraints
  • Seeks to mobilize financial resources to address the trade‑related constraints identified by developing economies and least-developed countries.

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has launched Virtual NQAS Assessment and Spot food license initiative to promote “Healthcare for All”.

  • Launched for – Ayushman Arogya Mandirs (AAM) and Integrated Public Health Laboratories (IPHL).
  • Launched in compliance with Indian Public Health Standards (IPHS)
  • IPHS – Digital platform for real-time monitoring of public health facilities that provides a comprehensive overview of the assessment and compliance status of public health facilities
  • Spot Food License Initiative – For the instant issuance of licenses and registrations through pan-India IT platform the Food Safety and Compliance System (FoSCoS)

International Monetary Fund (IMF) Dashboard released the AIPI Dashboard.

  • Tracks 174 economies for AI readiness.
  • Based on 4 key areas – Digital infrastructure, Human capital and Labour market policies, Innovation and economic integration and Regulation and Ethics
  • Categorization of Countries – Advanced Economy (AE), Emerging Market Economy (EM), and Low-Income Country (LIC).
  • Singapore has been placed at 1st position and India is at 72nd position.

The opening ceremony for the 29th edition of the biennial Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) exercise was held in Hawaii (USA).

  • World’s largest international multilateral maritime exercise
  • India also takes part in it
  • Aim – To build relationships, enhance interoperability, contribute to the peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific region

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