Digital Payment Index
RBI published the Reserve Bank of India–Digital Payments Index (RBI-DPI).
- Published by – RBI, on a semi-annual basis
- Objective – To capture the extent of digitisation of payments systems & measure the adoption of online transactions
- Base Period – 2018.
- Parameters – Payment Enablers Payment Infrastructure (demand-side factors) Payment Infrastructure (supply-side factors) Payment Performance and Consumer Centricity
Telecom Disputes Settlement & Appellate Tribunal (TDSAT) stayed the penalties imposed by Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) on Telecom companies for not being able to curb spam.
- Statutory body set up by an amendment to the TRAI Act, 1997 in 2000.
- Mandate – To adjudicate disputes, dispose of appeals and protect interests of service providers and consumers
- Has original and appellate jurisdiction in regard to Telecom, Broadcasting and Airport tariff matters.
- Only appellate jurisdiction in Cyber (IT) matters.
- Guided by the Principles of Natural Justice and has power to regulate its own procedure
Navika Sagar Parikrama II
INSV Tarini under Navika Sagar Parikrama-II, successfully passed through Point Nemo.
- Ambitious circumnavigation of the globe undertaken by 2 female officers of the Indian Navy.
- Conducted in Indian Naval sailing vessel (INSV) Tarini
- Point Nemo – Location in the South Pacific Ocean that is farthest from land.
Kara Sea
Russian Nuclear-powered vessel ‘50 Let Pobedy’ collided with a cargo vessel in the Kara Sea.
- Shallow marginal sea of the Arctic Ocean
- Located to the north of Siberia, Russia
- Formed due to melting of glaciers in the last Ice Age.
- One of the coldest seas in the world.
Market Infrastructure Institutions
SEBI issues guidelines for the evaluation of the performance of statutory committees of market infrastructure institutions (MIIs).
- Organizations that provide the infrastructure for trading securities & are regulated by SEBI.
- Includes stock exchanges, depositories, and clearing corporations.