UPSC Prelims Facts – 01 December 2023

UPSC Prelims Facts
  • A study indicates that rising sea temperatures due to climate change are causing tropical marine species to move from equator towards poles and retraction of temperate species.
  • This mass movement of marine life has been termed tropicalisation.
  • Mediterranean Sea – Tropicalisation hotspot due an increase in tropical species.
  • Tropicalisation together with Borealisation and Desertification contribute to global redistribution of biota and rearrangement of ecological communities.
  • Borealisation is expansion of temperate species (terrestrial and marine) into Arctic polar- regions.

The British Prime Minister cancelled a meeting with his Greek counterpart over the status of the Parthenon Sculptures housed at the British Museum.

  • A collection of different types of marble architectural decoration from the Parthenon temple.
  • Location of Parthenon temple – Acropolis, Athens (Greece).
  • Made between – 447 BC and 432 BC.

Astronomers have photographed the enigmatic Comet P12/PonsBrooks from the Indian Astronomical Observatory in Hanle, Ladakh using the Himalayan Chandra Telescope.

  • Comet P12/Pons-Brooks –
    • A celestial object that has been playfully nicknamed the ‘Devil Comet’ or likened to the ‘Millennium Falcon’ for its distinctive appearance.
    • Completes an orbit around the Sun in around 71 years.
  • Himalayan Chandra telescope –
    • A 2-meter optical-infrared telescope.
    • Operated by – Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bengaluru.

Sugarcane by product press mud can help generate 460,000 tonnes of Compressed Bio-Gas (CBG) valued at ₹2,484 crore.

  • Press mud – The residual solid product obtained from sugarcane juice before crystallisation of sugar.
  • Major wastes products obtained from sugar industry – Bagasse, molasses and press-mud
  • Benefit – As feedstock for biogas production through anaerobic digestion and subsequent purification to create CBG.

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