Ministry of Railways establish Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadhi Kendras (PMBJKs) under Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadhi Pariyojana (PMBJP) at some railway stations.
- Launched under: Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers
- Objective: To provide quality medicines at affordable prices to all through dedicated outlets called PMBJAK.
- Implementing Agency: Pharmaceutical & Medical Devices Bureau of India (PMBI)
- Incentives: Up to ₹5 lakhs (special incentives of up to ₹2.00 lakh for women, SC/ST, etc.)
- Ensuring quality: Medicines are procured only from WHO–Good Manufacturing Practices (WHO-GMP) certified suppliers.
Britain is removing a group of asylum seekers from the Bibby Stockholm barge because Legionella bacteria was found in the water supply.
Legionella bacteria –
- Found naturally in freshwater like rivers and lakes. Can grow inside water tanks and plumbing systems.
- Effects – Legionnaires’ disease (serious type of pneumonia), Pontiac fever (a milder illness resembling the flu)
Atal Innovation Mission (AIM) in collaboration with ISRO and Navars Edu Tech launched National Space Innovation Challenge (NSIC) 2023.
- Purpose – To ignite next-generation space enthusiasts to understand and contribute to Indian space economy
- It is open to all school students across the country.
- AIM – A flagship initiative of NITI Aayog to create and promote a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship.
Cotton crop in North India is under the threat of pink bollworm (PBW) attacks and the intensity of pest attacks is seen higher.
Pink Bollworm (PBW) –
- Most destructive pests of cotton
- Impact: Adults lay eggs on cotton bolls; once hatched, the larvae eat the seeds and damage the fibers of the cotton.
- Distribution: It is now recorded in nearly all the cotton-growing countries of the world.
Research laboratories, the pharmaceutical and dairy industries, and the nuclear-energy sector use centrifugal force in a machine called the centrifuge.
Centrifugal Force –
- It is a force that an object perceives when it is moving in a curved path.
- It is always in the direction away from the centre of the path of rotation.
- It is really the product of inertia – the tendency for an object to maintain its state of motion.
- Examples – Washing machines, Merry-go-round, Planetary orbits, a stone tied to a thread etc.
Amid objections from China, the Indian government has defended the use of “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam” in the G-20 logo.
Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam –
- Ancient Sanskrit phrase.
- Origin – Maha Upanishad
- Reflects “The World Is One Family” (signifies unity and cooperation)
- Bhagavad Gita mentions it as “Loftiest Vedantic Thought.”
14 states haven’t yet signed a crucial MoU with the Union Education Ministry, given that 40% of the Pradhan Mantri Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (PM-USHA) budget must be borne by the States themselves.
Pradhan Mantri Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (PM-USHA) –
- Launched in 2013.
- Ministry – Ministry of Education.
- Centrally sponsored program.
- Aim–To improve existing quality of Higher Education Institutions of the State.
- Targets eligible state higher education institutions.
Yelagiri hut shelters 200 years of hill tribe (Malaiyali) history.
Malaiyali tribes –
- Tribal group located in the Eastern Ghats of North Tamil Nadu.
- Largest Scheduled tribes in that region.
- Primarily hill farmers known for cultivating various types of millet.
- Have historical ties to the Vellala caste of cultivators.
- Yelagiri –
- Location – Tirupattur, Tamil Nadu.
- A branch of Annamalai Hills.
Marginalized community writers’ literature introduced at a hundred locations nationwide to promote Bahujan culture and arts.
Bahujan –
- Indian term referring to the majority of the population.
- It includes Scheduled Castes (Dalits), Scheduled Tribes (Adivasis), Other Backward Classes (OBCs), and marginalized communities.
- The term emphasizes the collective strength and unity of historically disadvantaged groups.
Police have registered a case under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act and Arms Act against an 11-member Maoist gang.
Arms Act of 1959 –
- Enacted to regulate firearms ownership and use.
- Objective – To control and limit the sale of weapons and ammunition.
- Requires obtaining licenses for specific types of firearms and ammunition.
- Acknowledges the right to keep and bear arms as a legal right.
- Minimum age requirement – 21 years
- Licensing authority –Ministry of Home Affairs.
- Limitation – To restrict permissible firearms from three to two(2019 Amendment)
- Punishment –Illegal possession, transport, or obtaining of ammunition without a permit carries a prison sentence of 7 to 14 years.
Mannapuram maintains good NIMs and hopes to achieve 20% consolidated CAGR.
Compounded Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) –
- Yearly growth rate of business returns over a specific period.
- Represents the rate at which earnings need to grow to meet a desired return.
- Useful for precise analysis of business growth from data sets.
- Provides an accurate way to calculate growth rates