Prelims Facts Corner – 13 October 2023

Lakadong Turmeric

Padma Shri award winner Saioo is known as “Turmeric Trinity” because she made the Meghalaya Lakadong turmeric famous through her tireless work.

  • Cultivation – In black alluvial soil (Lakadong, Meghalaya Jaintia Hills)
  • Brought under the “One District One Product” scheme in West Jaintia Hills district.
  • She has now planned to promote ‘Makhir’ ginger.
  • Makhir is one of the 2 types of ginger popular in Meghalaya (other one being ‘Nadia’ ginger) having unique pungency and medicinal properties.

Partnership for Resilient and Inclusive Supply-chain Enhancement (RISE)

The launch event of the Partnership for Resilient and Inclusive Supply-chain Enhancement (RISE) was held in Marrakech, Morocco.

  • An initiative of World Bank and G7 under Japan’s Presidency.
  • A $40 million partnership project to diversify supply chains for clean energy products.
  • Aim – To support low- and middle-income countries in playing bigger roles in the midstream (mineral processing and refining) and downstream (component manufacturing and assembly) in supply chains of clean energy products.

USS Gerald R Ford Aircraft Carrier

USA has deployed USS Gerald R Ford aircraft carrier to assist Israel in considering an attack by Hamas on Israel.

  • World’s largest aircraft carrier and is nuclear-powered
  • It can operate for 25 years without a refuel.
  • Speed: Over 30 knots (56 kmph).

Mera Yuva Bharat (MY Bharat)

Union Cabinet has approved establishment of Mera Yuva Bharat (MY Bharat).

  • An autonomous body will benefit youth in the age group of 15-29 years, in line with the definition of ‘Youth’ in National Youth Policy.
  • Objectives: Make it a whole Government platform for youth development and allow youth to become agents of community change.
  • Benefit – Would help to increase Youth outreach efforts of the Department of Youth Affairs under the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports.

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