Prelims Facts Corner – 05 October 2023

Gravity battery

Energy Vault, a developer of utility-scale storage technology promises to deploy gravity-based storage.

  • A gravity battery is a type of electricity storage device that involves lifting (charging) and lowering (discharging) a heavy weight.
  • When there is plenty of green energy, the batteries use the power to lift a heavy weight (or blocks) either high into the air or to the top of a deep shaft.
  • When electricity demand picks up, the blocks are lowered one by one, releasing kinetic energy that is used to rotate a motor and generate electricity.


The number of instances of greenwashing by banks and financial services companies around the world rose 70% in the past 12 months.

  • Greenwashing is the practice of making brands appears more sustainable than they actually are.
  • It may involve marketing strategy, misguided publicity stunts, or simply changing the packaging of an existing product while continuing to use unsustainable ingredients or practices.
  • Coined by – Environmentalist Jay Westerveld


  • An annual joint military exercise between India and Bangladesh.

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