MPLAD Scheme

MPLAD Scheme

Delhi High Court has observed that Chief Information Commissioner (CIC) has no jurisdiction to comment upon utilization of funds by Members of Parliament (MPs) under MPLAD Scheme.

  • Central Sector Scheme which was announced in December 1993.
  • Objective – To enable MPs to recommend works of developmental nature with emphasis on the creation of durable community assets, primarily in their Constituencies.
  • Implementation –
    • The process under MPLADS starts with the Members of Parliament recommending works to the Nodal District Authority.
    • Nodal District is responsible for implementing the eligible works recommended by the Members of Parliament and maintaining the details of individual works executed and amount spent under the Scheme.
  • Each year, MPs receive Rs. 5 crore in 2 instalments of Rs. 2.5 crore each.
  • Funds under MPLADS are non-lapsable.
  • Lok Sabha MPs – Need to spend projects in their Lok Sabha constituencies
  • Rajya Sabha MPs – Have to spend it in the state that has elected them to the House.
  • Nominated Members – Can recommend works anywhere in the country.
  • Applicability of RTI on MPLAD SchemeAny citizen can seek information on any aspect of the scheme and work recommended by MPs, sanctioned or executed under it.
    • Implementing District Authorities are responsible to provide such information
  • Issues with MPLADS –
    • No Statutory Backing – The scheme is not governed by any statutory law
    • Breach of Federalism – MPLADS encroaches upon the domain of local self governing institutions and thereby violates Part IX and IX-A of the Constitution.
    • Conflict with Doctrine of Separation of Powers – MPs are getting involved in executive functions.

Source: The Hindu

Previous Year Question

With reference to the funds under Members of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme (MPLADS), which of the following statements are correct?
1. MPLADS funds must be used to create durable assets like physical infrastructure for health, education, etc.
2. A specified portion of each MP’s fund must benefit SC/ST populations.
3. MPLADS funds are sanctioned on a yearly basis and the unused funds cannot be carried forward to the next year.
4. The district authority must inspect at least 10% of all works under implementation every year.
Select the correct answer using the code given below:

[UPSC Civil Services Exam – 2020 Prelims]

(a) 1 and 2 only
(b) 3 and 4 only
(c) 1, 2 and 3 only
(d) 1, 2 and 4 only

Answer: (d)
Funds left in the district can be carried forward for utilization in the subsequent years. Hence, Statement 3 is not Correct.

Practice Question

Consider the following statements regarding MPLADS:

  1. Under the scheme, nominated members of Parliament can recommend works anywhere in the country.
  2. Any citizen can seek information on any aspect of the scheme and the work recommended by MPs under the scheme.

Which of the statements is/are correct?


Question 1 of 1

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