Boilers Bill, 2024 introduced in Rajya Sabha.
Boilers Bill, 2024:
- Repeal Boilers Act, 1923 enacted to ensure uniformity throughout India in all technical aspects pertaining to regulation of boiler.
- Objectives –
- Regulation of manufacture and use of boilers, ensuring safety of life and property of persons from danger of explosions of boilers.
- Prohibits the use of unregistered and uncertified boilers
- Mandates reporting of accidents and promotes uniformity in registration and inspection processes
Key features of Bill:
- Define competent authority as an institution recognised in such manner as may be specified by regulations, for grant of certificate to the welders for welding of boiler and boiler component.
- Any person who makes any structural alteration, addition or renewal in or to a boiler without obtaining authorisation of Chief Inspector shall be punishable.
- The imprisonment may extend to 2 years or with fine which may extend to 1 lakh rupees, or with both.
- Central Government has power to remove any difficulty in giving effect to provisions of Boilers Act, 2024 within a period of 3 years from date of commencement of this Act.
- Central Government constitute Central Boilers Board to regulate design, manufacture, erection and use of boiler and boiler components.
Source: The Economic Times
Previous Year Question
Consider the following pairs:
Port: Well known as
1. Kamarajar Port: First major port in India registered as a company
2. Mundra Port: Largest privately owned port in India
3. Visakhapatnam: Largest container port in Port India
How many of the above pairs are correctly matched?
[UPSC Civil Services Exam – 2023 Prelims]
(a) Only one pair
(b) Only two pairs
(c) All three pairs
(d) None of the pairs
Answer: (b)
Mundra Port, India’s biggest commercial port by volumes, has overtaken state-run Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust (JNPT) to become the country’s largest container gateway by handling 5.65 million twenty-foot equivalent units (TEUs) in FY21, posting a growth of 18 per cent compared to last year. Hence, Pair 3 is not correctly matched.