Comparison of democracy in India and the UK

Comparison of democracy in India and the UK

United Kingdom (UK) elects new Prime Minister (PM)

System of democracyParliamentary system of democracyParliamentary system of democracy
Nature of Parliamentary sovereigntySubject to Constitutional Supremacy.  Parliament is supreme
Eligibility for Voting in the Lower House18 years of age or older Indian citizens. Members of the Upper House are also eligible for casting votes.18 years of age or older UK citizens, a qualifying citizen of the Commonwealth or a citizen of the Republic of Ireland. Members of upper House cannot vote in the UK parliament election  
VotingThrough an Electronic Voting Machine (EVM)  By postal ballots.
Office of Prime MinisterEstablished in the Constitution, appointed by the President   PM can be from either House of parliament. A person who is not Member of Parliament (MP) can be appointed as PM for 6 months.Based on Convention, appointed by The Monarch PM can only be from the Lower House. A PM must be, or be about to become an MP.  
Oath by membersTake an oath of allegiance to the Constitution Provided in the 3rd Schedule of the Constitution  Take an oath of allegiance to the Crown. Provided in Promissory Oaths Act 1868 and Oaths Act 1978

Source: The Hindu

Previous Year Question

Constitutional government means

[UPSC Civil Service Exam – 2021 Prelims]

(a) a representative government of a nation with federal structure
(b) a government whose Head enjoys nominal powers
(c) a government whose Head enjoys real powers
(d) a government limited by the terms of the Constitution

Answer: (d)

Practice Question

Consider the following statements:

  1. In India, Prime Minister (PM) can be from either House of parliament whereas in UK, PM can only be from the Lower House.
  2. In India as well as in Britain, members of the Lower House take an oath of allegiance to the Constitution.

Which of the above given statements is/are correct?


Question 1 of 1

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