Ramakrishna Mission president passed away
Ramakrishna Mission:
- Formed in – 1897, near Kolkata
- Founded by – Swami Vivekananda
- Objectives –
- To spread the universal message of Advaita Vedanta in the light of Sri Ramakrishna Paramhamsa’s teaching
- To improve the social conditions of the Indian people via philanthropic work
- Motto – “Atmano mokshartham jagad hitaya cha” (“For one’s own salvation and for the welfare of the world”)
Swami Vivekananda:
- Swami Vivekananda – One of the most celebrated spiritual leaders of India.
- Original name – Narendranath Datta
- Disciple of – Ramakrishna Paramhansa
- Contributions –
- Preached ‘neo-Vedanta’, an interpretation of Hinduism through a Western lens
- Laid the greatest emphasis on education
- Best known for his speech at the World Parliament of Religion in Chicago in 1893.
- Identified 4 pathways of attaining moksha – Raja yoga, Karma yoga, Jnana yoga and Bhakti yoga.
- Associated Organisations –
- Established the Ramakrishna Mission in 1897.
- Established Belur Math in 1899
- National Youth Day (January 12) – Observed to commemorate the birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda.
Ramakrishna Paramhamsa:
- Ramakrishna Paramhamsa – 19th century social reformer
- Born in – 1836, West Bengal
- Teachings –
- Believed all the religions lead up to a single goal – God
- Didn’t believed in caste differentiations, he even embraced the sceptics
- Had profound influence on other religions like Brahmoism
Source: The Hindu
Previous Year Question
Satya Shodhak Samaj organised:
[UPSC Civil Service Exam -2016 Prelims]
(a) a movement for upliftment of tribals in Bihar
(b) a temple-entry movement in Gujarat
(c) an anti-caste movement in Maharashtra
(d) a peasant movement in Punjab
Answer: (c)