The President of India paid her tributes to Santha Kabi Bhima Bhoi, a saint reformer belonging to the Mahima Dharma.
Mahima Dharma:
- Mahima Dharma – Socio-religious movement evolved in Odisha
- Time period – Late 18th and early 19th century
- Started by – Mahima Swami or Mahima Gosain
- Important saint – Santha Kabi Bhima Bhoi
- Abadhutas – Title given to first 64 Siddhas of Mahima Dharma
- ‘Mahima Gadi’ – Religious seat of Mahima dharma located in Odisha
- Visions –
- Believed in Dharma with emphasis on ‘Advaitabada’ (belief in the oneness of God).
- Adhered to the principles of truth, non-violence, and belief in immortality and rebirth.
- Activities –
- Opposed casteism
- Challenged prevalent practices such as idolatry, polytheism
Santha Kabi Bhima Bhoi:
- Bhima Bhoi – Saint, poet and social reformer in Odisha
- Belonged to – Kondh tribe.
- Follower of – Mahima Gosain
- Teachings:
- Emphasized ‘Ekaishwara Brahmavada’, emphasizing belief in an indescribable, formless, shapeless, and pure God residing in the void.
- Promoted unity among followers from diverse backgrounds breaking caste hierarchies.
- Important works –
- Brahma Nirupana Gita
- Stuti Chintamani
- Astaka Bihari Gita
- Chautisa Madhu Chakra
- Bhajanamala.
- Atha Bhajan and Bangala Atha Bhajan (written in Bengali)
Kondh Tribe:
- Concentrated in – Niyamgiri hill regions of Odisha
- Language – Kui and Kuwi
- Occupation – Mainly rice cultivators
- Kuttia Khonds – Practice slash-and-burn agriculture.
- Status – Dongria Khond is identified as Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Group.
Source: PIB
Previous Year Question
Satya Shodhak Samaj organised as:
[UPSC Civil Service Exam – 2016 Prelims]
(a) a movement for upliftment of tribals in Bihar
(b) a temple-entry movement in Gujarat
(c) an anti-caste movement in Maharashtra
(d) a peasant movement in Punjab
Answer: (c)