Alupa Dyansty


Archaeologists discovered a rare inscription connected to the Alupa dynasty of the region at Someshwara near Mangaluru.

News Highlights:

  • 1st record of the Alupa Dyansty that announced the death of Alupendra I
  • Significant in the study of Tuluva history and culture.
  • Siri, Dalya and Chattara (Chatra) – Mentioned terms related to the Siri cult
  • Archaeological Findings – Keerthi Sthamba (pillar), Royal Depictions of Kulashekara Alupendra

Origins of the Soma cult:

  • Founded by – Soma Sharma of Gujarat
  • Time Period – 11th century AD
  • Siri – Patron deity of the Tulu people.

About Alupa Dyansty:

  • State –Present-day Karnataka
  • One of the longest reigning dynasties of Tulu Nadu.
  • Capital city – Barkur (Udyavara – Old Capital)
  • Oral literature tradition of Tulu – Paddana (folk-song forms), Yakshagana (traditional folk theatre)
  • Halmidi Inscription of Hassan, Karnataka – Mentions about a grant recommended by King Pashupati of Alupa and the Chief Commander of Kadamba forces.

About Kulashekara Alupendra I:

  • Period of Reign – 1156-1215 A.D.
  • Ruler of the Alupas of South Canara.
  • Established new city Kulashekara in Mangaluru.
  • Administration –
    • Laid down strict rules and regulations for temple administration (still followed in all temples)
    • 1st ruler to give royal patronage to Tulu language and culture.
  • Significance –
    • Described as “Lokantamanta”, meaning ‘famous in the universe’ in Tulu.
    • Bulit Someshwara temple in honour of Soma and adorned with Nava Durgas.

Related Info

  • A stone inscription discovered (2019) at the Sri Veeranarayana temple in Kulashekara.
  • It is in complete Tulu script and language.
  • Belongs to the 1159 A.D
  • Mentions that the god belongs to 12 villages as ‘pitru-devata.’

Tulu speakers have been continuously requesting the governments to give it official language status and include it in the 8th schedule to the Constitution.

Source: The Hindu

Previous Year Question

In which of the following relief sculpture inscriptions is ‘Ranyo Ashoka’ (King Ashoka) mentioned along with the stone portrait of Ashoka?

[UPSC Civil Services Exam – 2019 Prelims]

(a) Kanganahalli
(b) Sanchi
(c) Shahbazagrhi
(d) Sohgaura

Answer: (a)

Practice Question

Consider the following passage:

He was a famous ruler of the Alupas of South Canara. He laid down strict rules and regulations for temple administration, which are still followed in all temples in this region. He was the first ruler to give royal patronage to Tulu language and culture, ruling from both the capitals, Mangaluru and Barkuru.

Identify the person being described in the above passage.


Question 1 of 1

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