Rogue Waves

Rogue Waves

Researchers have recently developed a new tool to predict rogue waves.

  • Large, unexpected, and dangerous ocean wave that can be more than twice the size of the surrounding waves.
  • Also called as – Freak, extreme storm waves, or killer waves.
  • Caused by – Combination of waves and currents, or by multiple wind-driven wave crests stacking up at a single point.
  • Direction – Move in either the same direction, the opposite direction, or at oblique angles to the prevailing wind and wave motion.
  • Appearance – Steep-sided with deep troughs and can look like walls of water.
Image Credits: CNN
  • Size – Reach heights of up to 30 meters
  • Threats – Pose a threat to ships, coastal infrastructure, and human lives.
  • Draupner waveHighest confirmed rogue wave known.

Source: The Indian Express

Previous Year Question

The 2004 Tsunami made people realise that mangroves can serve as a reliable safety hedge against coastal calamities. How do mangroves function as a safety hedge?

[UPSC Civil Service Exam – 2011 Prelims]

(a) The mangrove swamps separate the human settlements from the sea by a wide zone in which people neither live nor venture out.
(b) The mangroves provide both food and medicines which people are in need of after any natural disaster.
(c) The mangrove trees are tall with dense canopies and serve as an excellent shelter during a cyclone or Tsunami.
(d) The mangrove trees do not get uprooted by storms and tides because of their extensive roots

Answer: (d)

Practice Question

Consider the following statements regarding Rogue waves:

  1. They are large, unexpected, and dangerous ocean wave that can be more than twice the size of the surrounding waves.
  2. They always move in the opposite direction to the prevailing wind and wave motion.

Which of the statements is/are correct?


Question 1 of 1

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