Wildlife (Protection) Licensing (Additional Matters for Consideration) Rules 2024

Wildlife (Protection) Licensing (Additional Matters for Consideration) Rules 2024

Recently Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) notified Wildlife (Protection) Licensing (Additional Matters for Consideration) Rules, 2024

  • Fresh rules for licenses involving snake venom, captive animals, trophies, and stuffed animals.
  • Schedule I animals still require central government consultation for licenses.
  • Officials must consider source, manner of supply, and existing licenses in the area
  • Merging of 4 schedules of wild animals into 2, reducing the total 6 to 4.
  • Schedule I – animals requiring utmost protection
  • Schedule II -species needing comparatively lower protection.
  • Schedule II – Hunting and trade generally prohibited, but exceptions allowed for captive breeding and scientific purposes.
  • Schedule IV – species to be protected under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).

Source: Hindustan Times

Previous Year Question

If a particular plant species is placed under Schedule VI of The Wildlife Protection Act, 1972, what is the implication?

[UPSC Civil Services Exam – 2020 Prelims]

(a) A licence is required to cultivate that plant
(b) Such a plant cannot be cultivated under any circumstances
(c) It is a Genetically Modified crop plant
(d) Such a plant is invasive and harmful to the ecosystem

Answer: (a)

Practice Question

If a particular plant species is placed under Schedule IV of The Wildlife Protection Act,2022, what is the implication?


Question 1 of 1

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