Nigerian authorities seize 2.179 tonnes of pangolin scales.
- Classification – Globally, there are8species of pangolins
- 4 found in Asia (Indian pangolin, Philippine pangolin, Sunda pangolin, and Chinese pangolin)
- 4 found in Africa (Black-bellied pangolin, White-bellied pangolin, Giant Ground pangolin, and Temminck’s Ground pangolin).
- Unique features – Covered with large, protective keratin scales, which are similar in material to human fingernails and toenails.
- Primarily feed on ants and termites, which they capture using their long, sticky tongues.

- Habitat – Depending on the species, pangolins live in hollow trees or burrows.
- Found in tropical regions of Asia and Africa.
- Behavior:
- Pangolins are nocturnal and solitary animals.
- Defense Mechanism: When threatened, pangolins roll into a ball, exposing their scales to potential predators.
- Threatened by poaching for their meat and scales, which are used in traditional medicine, and by habitat destruction.
- Conservation Status – Listed on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
- 3 species are critically endangered, 3 are endangered, and 2 are vulnerable.
Source: DTE
Previous Year Question
Consider the following animals:
1. Hedgehog
2. Marmot
3. Pangolin
To reduce the chance of being captured by predators, which of the above organisms rolls up/roll up and protects/ protect its/ their vulnerable parts?
[UPSC Civil Service Exam – 2021 Prelims]
(a) 1 and 2
(b) 2 only
(c) 3 only
(d) 1 and 3
Answer: (d)