Plastic Overshoot Day

Plastic Overshoot Day


Recently (28 July), Earth experienced its first Plastic Overshoot Day.

About Plastic Overshoot:

  • Point at which the amount of plastic waste exceeds the capability of waste management systems to effectively manage.
  • Based on country’s Mismanaged Waste Index (MWI) i.e. gap in waste management capacity and plastic consumption.
    • Released by – Swiss-based research consultancy Earth Action (EA)
  • Waste sponges Category –
    • Developing countries affected by plastic pollution without mature waste management systems.
    • Have a low plastic consumption yet a high level of plastic pollution.

Key Highlights:

  • Global Scenario –
    • Top 3 countries in MWI –Mozambique> Nigeria > Kenya
    • 52% of world’s mismanaged plastic waste – India, China, Brazil, Indonesia, Thailand, Russia, Mexico, the United States, Saudi Arabia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Iran and Kazakhstan.
    • Top per capita plastic consumer – Iceland
  • Indian Scenario –
    • India – 4th Rank in MWI (98.55 % of generated waste being mismanaged)
    • India categorised under Waste Sponges Category.
    • Annual per capita plastic consumption – 5.3 kg (among the lowest in the world).
    • Around 3 lakh tons of microplastics generated from tire abrasion, shedding of textile fibers, and paint, etc. released into waterways.
    • Total plastic waste:1.33% (Imports) + 0.8% (Exports)

Plastic Waste Management (Amendment) Rules, 2022:

  • Mandate – Generators of plastic waste to take steps to minimize generation of plastic waste
  • Notified instructions on Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for plastic packaging.

EPR focuses on the responsibility of the producer for the impacts of their product in the final stage of its life cycle after consumption and makes producers to design products that minimize environmental and health impacts.

  • Plastic packaging categories covered under EPR – Category I to IV
    • Category IV – Plastic sheet / carry bags made of compostable plastics

Compostable plastics, made from renewable sources such as corn, potato, and tapioca starches, cellulose, soy protein, and lactic acid, are non-toxic and decompose into carbon dioxide, water, and biomass through composting.

  • EPR Guidelines – Reuse, Recycling, Use of recycled plastic content, End of life disposal
  • Environmental Compensation – Levies are imposed following the polluter pays” principle on producers, importers, and brand owners who fail to meet Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) targets.

Polluter Pays Principle holds individuals responsible for environmental pollution, requiring them to compensate for the damage caused and restore the environment to its original state, irrespective of intent.

Source: Down to Earth

Previous Year Question

As per the Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016 in India, which one of the following statements is correct?

[UPSC Civil Services Exam – 2019 Prelims]

(a) Waste generator has to segregate waste into 5 categories.

(b) The Rules are applicable to notified urban local bodies, notified towns and all industrial townships only.

(c) The Rules provide for exact and elaborate criteria for the identification of sites for landfills and waste processing facilities.

(d) It is mandatory on the part of the waste generator that the waste generated in one district cannot be moved to another district.

Practice question

Mismanaged Waste Index, recently in news, is released by:


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