Notified Disasters

Notified Disasters

Heatwave events have reopened discussions on inclusion of heatwave as notified disasters under the Disaster Management (DM) Act, 2005

  • Defined under – Disaster Management Act, 2005
  • It defines a disaster as a “catastrophe, mishap, calamity or grave occurrence” arising from natural or man-made causes that results in substantial loss of life, destruction of property, or damage to the environment.
  • Includes 12 Notified Disasters – Cyclone, drought, earthquake, fire, flood, tsunami, hailstorm, landslide, avalanche, cloud burst, pest attack, frost & cold wave.
  • In 2020, government treated Covid-19 as notified disaster as a special one-time dispensation
  • Funding – From the National Disaster Response Fund (NDRF) and State Disaster Response Fund (SDRF).
  • Money in these funds can be utilized only for response and management of notified disasters.
  • Apex body for Disaster Management in India
  • Headed by – Prime Minister
  • Mandated by – Disaster Management Act, 2005
  • Functions – To lay down the policies, plans and guidelines for Disaster Management. 

Source: The Indian Express

Previous Year Question

Consider the following statements in respect of Trade Related Analysis of Fauna and Flora in Commerce (TRAFFIC):
1. TRAFFIC is a bureau under United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).
2. The mission of TRAFFIC is to ensure that trade in wild plants and animals is not a threat to the conservation of nature.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?

[UPSC Civil Services Exam – 2017 Prelims]

(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Answer: (b)
Statement 1 is not correct:

TRAFFIC is a joint program of World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and IUCN – the International Union for Conservation of Nature and not a bureau under UNEP.

Practice Question

Consider the following statements:

  1. National Disaster Management Authority, the apex body for Disaster Management in India, is headed by the Union Home Minister
  2. ‘Notified disasters’ category under the Disaster Management Act includes Cyclone, drought and heat waves.

Which of the statements is/are correct?


Question 1 of 1

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