Green Ammonia

Green Ammonia

Allocation for bidding for Green Ammonia under SIGHT Programme enhanced.

  • Capacity available for bidding under Mode 2A of SIGHT programme is increased from 5,50,000 MT per annum to 7,50,000 tonnes per annum.
  • Mode 2A of SIGHT programme (Incentive for Procurement of Green Ammonia Production) provides selected bidder financial incentive for 3 years for Green Ammonia produced and supplied.
  • Allocation was enhanced in response to the increase in demand of Green Ammonia from the fertilizer sector.
  • A subcomponent of National Green Hydrogen Mission
  • Aim – To bolster domestic electrolyser manufacturing and green hydrogen production.
  • 2 distinct financial incentive mechanisms –
    • Incentive for manufacturing of electrolysers
    • Incentive for production of green hydrogen
  • Implementing agency – Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI)
  • Green Ammonia: Made using 100% renewable and carbon-free source (derives its hydrogen from water and its nitrogen from air)
  • Blue Ammonia: Ammonia for which by-product CO2 has been captured and stored, reducing climate impact.
  • Grey/Brown Ammonia: Ammonia produced using fossil fuels.
  • Reducing GHG emissions: Conventional ammonia production emits approximately 2 tonnes of CO2 per tonne of ammonia.
  • Sustainable fuel: Green ammonia could be used for producing hydrogen (clean fuel). It also enables efficient hydrogen transport and storage.
  • Energy Generation: Can be used as a fuel in boilers, turbines, or engines for heat and electricity generation.
  • Compared with other forms of chemicals produced via renewable processes, ammonia has a high energy density.
  • Produced using the Haber-Bosch process, where hydrogen and nitrogen are combined.
  • Around 70% of ammonia is used for fertilizers; the rest is used for industrial applications, including plastics, explosives, and synthetic fibres.
  • China – Largest producer of ammonia (30% of production) [Followed by US, the European Union, India, Russia and the Middle East]

Source: PIB

Previous Year Question

With reference to green hydrogen, Consider the following statements :
1. It can be used directly as a fuel for internal combustion.
2. It can be blended with natural gas and used as fuel for heat or power generation.
3. It can be used in the hydrogen fuel cell to run vehicles.
How many of the above statements are correct?

[UPSC Civil Services Exam – 2023 Prelims]

(a) Only one
(b) Only two
(c) All three
(d) None

Answer: (c)

Practice Question

With reference to Ammonia, consider the following statements:

  1. Green ammonia production is where the process of making ammonia is 100% renewable and carbon-free.
  2. Green ammonia can be burnt in an engine or used in a fuel cell to produce electricity.
  3. China is the largest producer of ammonia accounting for more than 60% of total production.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?


Question 1 of 1

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