Plan for Nilambur-Nanjangud railway line through Bandipur National Park evoked protests over ecological impact
The Nilambur-Nanjangud railway line:
- Also known as the Golden IT Corridor or Wayanad Railway
- A 236-kilometer-long broad-gauge railway line
- Connects – Kerala and Karnataka.
Broad-gauge railways – Also known as wide gauge or large lines; Used in – Flat terrains, heavily populated areas, heavy traffic areas and ports for cranes.
Bandipur National Park:
- States – Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kerala (Tri-junction area)
- Location – Western Ghats
- Established in – 1974 as a tiger reserve under Project Tiger.
- Part of Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve
- Largest protected area in Southern India
- Largest habitant of Wild Elephants in South Asia
- Highest point in park – Himavad Gopalaswamy Betta hill
- Rivers flowing – Kabini River, Moyar River and Nugu River
Read more about: Project Tiger, Project Elephant, Biosphere Reserve
Source: Down to Earth
Previous Year Question
Consider the following protected areas:
1. Bandipur
2. Bhitarkanika
3. Manas
4. Sunderbans
Which of the above are declared Tiger Reserves?
[UPSC Civil Services Exam – 2012 Prelims](a) 1 and 2 only
(b) 1, 3 and 4 only
(c) 2, 3 and 4 only
(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
Answer: (b)
Option 2 is not correct:
Bhitarkanika has not been declared as a tiger reserve.