The ‘2024 Global Water Monitor Report’ was authored by an international team of researchers from universities in Australia, Saudi Arabia, China, Germany, and other countries.
Key Findings of the 2024 Global Water Monitor Report:
- 2024 Hottest Year on Record:
- Average global temperature reached 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels.
- Water-Related Disasters:
- Over 8,700 fatalities and 40 million displaced.
- Economic losses exceeded $550 billion globally.
- Increase in Dry Periods:
- 2024 had 38% more record-dry months compared to the baseline period (1995–2005).
- Extremely dry months have been increasing in recent decades.
- Record-Breaking Rainfall:
- Monthly rainfall records were set 27% more often in 2024 than in 2000.
- Daily rainfall records were set 52% more frequently.
- Terrestrial Water Storage (TWS):
- Ongoing low TWS values in most of the world’s dry regions.
- Increases in TWS in parts of Africa (western, central, and eastern regions).
- Lake and reservoir water storage declined for the fifth year in a row.
- Projections for 2025:
- Droughts could worsen in northern South America, southern Africa, and parts of Asia.
- Increased flood risks anticipated in wetter regions such as the Sahel and Europe.
Source: IE
Previous Year Question
Consider the following statements:
Statement-I: According to the United Nations World Water Development Report, 2022, India extracts more than a quarter of the world’s groundwater withdrawal each year.
Statement-II: India needs to extract more than a quarter of the world’s groundwater each year to satisfy the drinking water and sanitation needs of almost 18% of world’s population living in its territory.
Which one of the following is correct in respect of the above statements?
[UPSC Civil Service Exam – 2023 Prelims]
(a) Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct and Statement-II is the correct explanation for Statement-I.
(b) Both Statement-1 and Statement-II are correct and Statement- II is not the correct explanation for StatementI.
(c) Statement-I is correct but Statement-II is incorrect.
(d) Statement-I is incorrect but Statement-II is correct.
Answer: (c)
Statement 2 is incorrect. India uses about 89% of this groundwater for irrigation. Major share of total groundwater extracted by India is utilized for irrigation purposes and not for drinking and sanitation purposes.