Reclassification of Major Minerals

Ministry of Mines reclassifies Barytes, Felspar, Mica, and Quartz as Major Minerals.

  • Previous Minor Mineral Classification led to unreported and unextracted associated critical minerals.
  • These minerals, however, are essential for new technologies, energy transition, spacecraft industry, and healthcare sector.
  • Reclassification to these minerals into Major Minerals promotes increased exploration and scientific mining, essential for sourcing critical minerals.
  • Quartz, Felspar, and Mica – Found in pegmatite rocks; significant sources of critical minerals.
  • Baryte – Found in limestone and dolostone as concretions and vein filling
    • Associated with ores of Antimony, Cobalt, Copper, Lead, Manganese, and Silver.
AspectMajor MineralsMinor Minerals
DefinitionMinerals specified in the first schedule appended in the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957. There is no official definition for “major minerals” in the MMDR Act. Hence, whatever is not declared as a “minor mineral” may be treated as a major mineral.Minerals declared as minor minerals by the Central Government according to the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957.
ExamplesIron ore, Copper, Uranium, Gold, Silver, Coal, Manganese, etc.Building stones, Gravel, Ordinary clay, Ordinary sand, Marble, Granite, Fuller’s earth, Bentonite, etc.
Regulatory AuthorityMinistry of Mines, Government of IndiaState Governments
UsageTypically used in large-scale industrial applications and strategic sectors.Used in construction, local industries, and small-scale applications.
LegislationGoverned by the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957.Governed by the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957.
Revenue SharingRevenue shared between the Central and State Governments.Revenue primarily managed by State Governments.
Exploration and MiningRequires extensive exploration and scientific mining techniques.Generally involves simpler mining techniques.

Source: PIB

Previous Year Question

Consider the following minerals:
1. Bentonite
2. Chromite
3. Kyanite
4. Sillimanite
In India, which of the above is/are officially designated as major minerals?

[UPSC Civil Services Exam – 2020 Prelims]

(a) 1 and 2 only
(b) 4 only
(c) 1 and 3 only
(d) 2, 3 and 4 only

Answer: (d)

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